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Getting Great Treatment From The OBGYN

About a year ago, I started thinking about having a baby. I knew that I wanted to have a child, but I wasn't sure if my husband was ready. However, after a great discussion with my hubby, I could tell that it was time. We started looking into different options, and I found a great team of professionals who could help. After we tried for a few months, we went in for our appointment, and I was pleased to learn that I was pregnant. It was really special to learn about our little one, and before we knew it, we were inviting our little one into the world. This website is all about starting your family with the help of a great doctor.



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Getting Great Treatment From The OBGYN

    Embarrassing Things You Should Not Hesitate To Bring Up To Your OBGYN

    Talking about your reproductive system is not always the most comfortable thing. After all, society often makes women feel as though they should be embarrassed or ashamed about any health problems associated with these parts. But in order for your gynecologist to treat you properly, they need to know what you are feeling and experiencing — and that includes some potentially embarrassing things you may not normally talk about. On that note, here are a few things you should never hesitate to bring up to your OBGYN.

    Keeping Your Personal Areas Clean As A Female During Pregnancy: Dos & Don'ts

    Ladies don't really talk about it out loud, and some are a little shy about even asking their gynecologist or obstetrician. However, staying clean "down there" in your personal areas is always something that females wonder about in general. When you get pregnant and your body is doing some pretty weird things, including possibly having new odors or discharge, the question becomes even more prevalent. To spare you the red face of having to ask out loud (even though every OB/GYN has heard these things before), here are a few dos and don'ts to keep in mind.

    When Is Spotting Normal?

    Most women can count on their monthly cycles to be fairly regular, so it can be alarming to discover that you're spotting when you weren't expecting to be bleeding. If you're going through this problem, you'll be glad to know that sometimes, spotting is to be expected and not out of the ordinary. Here are three instances where you might experience spotting that doesn't mean that anything's wrong with you.

    3 Things You Should Know About Your Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but it can be full of many overwhelming physical and emotional changes. Unfortunately, most women (and their partners) are not prepared for these changes, making the pregnancy more difficult than it should be. Thankfully, proper understanding will ensure you and your unborn child will have a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy. Here are a few things you should know about your pregnancy. You'll Gain Weight, but you Shouldn't Become Obese

    Need A Pelvic Exam? Places That Provide Free Or Reduced Cost Pelvic Exams

    Women of child-bearing years and beyond should have a pelvic exam every year. These exams check all of a woman's reproductive organs, urinary tract, and anus for signs of disease and sexual health. If you are a woman, and you have not had a pelvic exam for some time because you do not have any health insurance, here is where and how you can get your pelvic exam for free or reduced cost.

    4 Things You Should Know About Hormonal Birth Control

    Thinking about going on hormonal birth control? If so, then you'll most likely need to get a prescription from your OBGYN's office. In most cases, a pelvic exam and recent pap smear may also need to be completed before hormonal birth control can be prescribed. Before you go on hormonal birth control of any form, there are also a few things you should be aware of and discuss with your doctor.

    Diagnosing Premature Menopause

    Menopause signals the end of a woman's childbearing years. While most women experience menopause in their 50's, some women can experience premature menopause. Menopause that begins early can limit your ability to become pregnant and usher in a host of physical and emotional problems. Diagnosing premature menopause is critical when it comes to creating a treatment plan that will reduce the negative impact this condition can have on your life.

    Possible Causes And Treatment Options For Heavy Menstruation

    Menstruation is an important part of a woman's reproductive system. From bloating and moodiness to bleeding for a few days, it is easy to see why so many women struggle throughout this period each month. The total amount of bleeding that occurs varies from woman to woman. However, some women experience heavy bleeding that could be a sign of something serious. If you are losing 80 milliliters of blood or more and passing clots during your period, consult your gynecologist.