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Getting Great Treatment From The OBGYN

About a year ago, I started thinking about having a baby. I knew that I wanted to have a child, but I wasn't sure if my husband was ready. However, after a great discussion with my hubby, I could tell that it was time. We started looking into different options, and I found a great team of professionals who could help. After we tried for a few months, we went in for our appointment, and I was pleased to learn that I was pregnant. It was really special to learn about our little one, and before we knew it, we were inviting our little one into the world. This website is all about starting your family with the help of a great doctor.



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Getting Great Treatment From The OBGYN

When Is Spotting Normal?

by Reginald Ford

Most women can count on their monthly cycles to be fairly regular, so it can be alarming to discover that you're spotting when you weren't expecting to be bleeding. If you're going through this problem, you'll be glad to know that sometimes, spotting is to be expected and not out of the ordinary. Here are three instances where you might experience spotting that doesn't mean that anything's wrong with you.

Birth Control Pill 

Birth control pills can cause spotting. This symptom is more common when you're first starting a pill, or if you've missed a pill or two. In both cases, either going on or missing a pill, it triggers your hormones to shift. This shift can trigger spotting while your body adapts to its new situation.

If you've missed a pill, getting back on your regular schedule should nip the spotting in the bud. Alternatively, if you're starting a new pill and are spotting, ask your doctor to be sure, but it should pass as your body develops a new cycle regulated by the pill.


Mittelschmerz is a German term that simply means "middle pain." It typically occurs about halfway through the cycle, at the same time that most women ovulate.

Like the above issues, spotting can occur during mittelschmerz because your hormones are naturally shifting. When you ovulate, the body switches up your hormones in order to make your body as suitable as possible for an egg to be inseminated. When this doesn't happen, the egg is released, and you have a period. However, the spike in hormones can sometimes cause minor bleeding, cramps, and other period-like symptoms.

Illness and Stress

Finally, if you've recently been through or are currently experiencing either a physical illness or extreme stress, that could be a factor.

Any kind of physical strain on your body can trigger abnormalities in your periods. Women can completely miss a period just due to stress, so it's not out of the question for you to have some minor spotting if you're anxious. In addition, when you're physically ill, the body may push its resources into fighting your illness rather than regulating your hormones normally, which can result in some period or spotting oddities.

If you have spotting for a prolonged time, it's a good idea to be checked out by an OBGYN. Spotting usually doesn't mean that there's any serious danger to your health, but since it is one of the possible symptoms of conditions like endometriosis and cancer, it's a good idea to get checked up.
