About a year ago, I started thinking about having a baby. I knew that I wanted to have a child, but I wasn't sure if my husband was ready. However, after a great discussion with my hubby, I could tell that it was time. We started looking into different options, and I found a great team of professionals who could help. After we tried for a few months, we went in for our appointment, and I was pleased to learn that I was pregnant. It was really special to learn about our little one, and before we knew it, we were inviting our little one into the world. This website is all about starting your family with the help of a great doctor.
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Thinking about going on hormonal birth control? If so, then you'll most likely need to get a prescription from your OBGYN's office. In most cases, a pelvic exam and recent pap smear may also need to be completed before hormonal birth control can be prescribed. Before you go on hormonal birth control of any form, there are also a few things you should be aware of and discuss with your doctor.
It Comes in Many Forms
For starters, understand that hormonal birth control comes in many forms and generally refers to any birth control method that utilizes the female hormones progesterone, estrogen, or a combination of both to alter the menstrual cycle. The pill is one of the most common forms of hormonal birth control, but there are also shots/injections and patches. Your OBGYN should be able to make a recommendation regarding which is best for your needs.
It Does Have Some Potential Side Effects
No matter what type of hormonal birth control you end up choosing, be aware that there is always a risk of potential side effects; some patients will experience far more severe side effects than others, and some may not notice any. Some of the more common side effects of hormonal birth control include weight gain, mood swings, nausea, breakthrough bleeding, and headaches or migraines.
It's Not Just For Preventing Pregnancy
While many people go on hormonal birth control as a means of preventing pregnancy, there are many other potential reasons to go on the pill as well. For example, many women who have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are put on birth control as a means of regulating their cycles and keeping painful cysts at bay. Birth control can also be effective in managing acne.
It Can Take Time to Leave Your System
Should you decide you want to go off birth control in order to try for a baby, keep in mind that hormonal birth control affects your body and it can take time for your cycles to regulate. Some women may not have a period for months and thus may have trouble conceiving quickly, whereas others will regulate right away. Each patient is unique, but if you aren't able to get pregnant after being off birth control for a year, be sure to talk to your doctor.
These are just a few things to be aware of before starting hormonal birth control; if you have any additional questions, be sure to speak to your doctor.